Our little blog turns 2 this week! Who can believe it! In that time, we have publised 550 posts, won 2 awards, hit an amazing 10k followers on Instagram and have just about managed to found time for an engagement and a baby! We really never expected this to turn into what it has, but our successes have not come out of no where either.
To honour the occasion, we wanted to share a few tips on how we maintain and keep Two Shoes, One Pair going in conjunction with the rest of our lives - so here are our Top 5 Ways to make your blog work
Find Your Niche
This is key to get yourself off on the right foot. We think it is great that everyone can have their say over the internet in some way or another but make your blog as unique as you are, add those personal little touches that make it yours and aim for a key target audience.
This is key in all aspects! And particularly for us as we need to synchronize. Get a diary and plan your shoots way in advance to allow room for error, post at the same times each week, and keep on top of all those emails - we're all guilty of slipping up from time to time and sometimes workloads can feel like 24 hour jobs on top of our actual jobs but with a few getting a clockwork routine in helps to get it all run smoothly.
Get Inspired
Go out and get motivated at every possibility! We love recreating catwalk looks with high street pieces and are constantly sifting through Style.com but also get sparks from magazine editorials, museum exhibitions, street style and those all important Pinterest boards.
Get Social
It's no secret how big a part social networking plays in the blogging world. Of course, you want to promote your blog posts as much as possible but this is where you can truly connect with like-minded people and get to know people you would never have had the chance to meet if it wasn't for blogging. We have met some incredible people and have made genuine friends through our blog, and most importantly it's concreted our friendship in a way like no other.
Live, Love and Laugh
All successful blogs have a driven, determined author behind them but that drive and determination comes out of love and passion. We said in a recent interview that TSOP was our internet baby and we are it's loving parents that's exactly how we feel. It's been amazing to watch something we made become so successful and we have loved every single experience that this has brought us but some of the greatest giggles we've had have come from shoot outtakes and the cups of coffee we've enjoyed to discuss future blog plans/world domination!
What tips do you swear by when it comes to running a blog? Here's to another 2 years!
Lot's of Love,
Amy & Naomi x
Congratulations! What an amazing achievement! I'm only a few months into mine and it does involve a lot of organisation but I enjoy it and yours just shows how much you can achieve if you commit to it. Best of luck with everything! X